Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dead End.

Assalamualaikum and hi to alls.

Alhamdulillah. masih berpeluang menghirup udara yang tak seberapa bersih ni. kui3. day after day, dah jadi dua hari dah. and then berhari-hari berlalu. if only I'm losing my spirit right now, I'll not being like today, still smiling and feel the joy of my life. can you imagine?? SPM will be just less than two months more and its getting more nerve-wrecking. I feel like everything have to be rushed and perfect especially in my studies. Ya Allah, I beg the strength to carry on..

dalam hidup ini, kadang-kadang time kita susah, kita rasa macam dunia ni kejam and tak adilkat kita . and it'll be a dead end to us. but trust me, if you think that there will be 'hikmah di sebalik kejadian' you will feel the joy of your life. trust that our life will be a joy. just think about something that make you happy, guys. janganlah pesimis sangat dalam hidup ni, tak berkat tau.

I love my life actually. do you know why?? because right now I'm really proud to make myself here, right now continuing this unpredictable life after fighting and optimist that I could bear the wall and hardship in front my way to make it here.

failure, stress, sadness, betrayal, disappointed, even losing. I've experience all of them. saya percaya korang semua pun pernah lalui itu semua. gagal itu pahit. khianat itu memedihkan. dan sudah pasti pengalaman jatuh bangun kita menjadi guru yang paling arif menemani kita dalam hidup ni. in spite of those bad experience, I'm still happy because life is really beautiful. I have my family to give the strength to me, my friends that always there for me, sharing many things. through them I could learn what life is really was. and sometimes I'm afraid of losing them as we shared stories, secrets even jokes together. but yang pasti setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan.

and sometimes we stress. itulah yang saya rasa sekarang ni, di saat yang getir ni. stress because there are a lot of things that have to be thought of. tanpa kekuatan kita akan rebah. tanpa iman, kita akan lemah. even saya still lagi tak dapat A dalam AddMath *kui kui kui* so, take a fisrt step right now because tanpa langkah pertama, tiadalah langkah terakhir. saya perlu tetapkan matlamat, yakin saya mampu lakukan dan fokus kepada matlamat tersebut. InsyaAllah, Dia akan permudahkan perjalanan saya di dunia ini. Amin...

my dream~~ focus and confident. Hwaiting!!! :)

till then. kbai alls. Assalamualaikum :)

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