There were times that you feel it's hard to live.
There were times that you feel everyone is not fair to you.
There were times that you have a big problem like a big stones is fall off on your head.
There were times that you feel something much heavy on your shoulder.
There were times that you feel like to go away from everyone and live on your own alone.
There were times that you feel you are still at the end back while others are keep running forward.
There were times that you think you cant reach your dream, seems it so far away from you.
Yeah, at times. I feel and think like that.
Dalam hidup ni adakalanya kita perlu menangis, agar kita sedar hidup ni bukan hanya untuk gembira dan ketawa. Adakalanya kita perlu ketawa agar kita tahu menghargai nilai setitis air mata. Kalau kita tidak merasa kesulitan hari ini, kita tidak akan merasa kemanisan di kemudian hari.
Tidak salah untuk sesekali kita perlu DERITA untuk mengenal erti BAHAGIA. Sesekali kita perlu KECEWA untuk kita kenal erti KEJAYAAN. Sesekali kita perlu MENANGIS untuk kita syukuri NIKMAT yang diberi. Sesekali kita perlu TERHIRIS untuk kita kenal DIRI SENDIRI - penmerahshoppe;ig
I'm thinking that it was hard to me to let myself hurt. Sebab aku takut susah, aku takut sakit,aku takut bila ada masalah. I think the hardship,problem will get me down. But I realize that sometime we have to feel the pain in order the gain something worth. Takdak maknnya kejayaan tu tanpa sakit dan pedih,betul tak?Yeah, it totally right, NO PAIN, NO GAIN. If I want to get what I want, I must go for it. No half-work. Seem that my effort selama ni still tak cukup untuk bawak aku jumpa impian aku. Honestly, aku memang akui itu.
Kadang-kadang kita kena terhiris untuk kita kenal diri kita. Baru kita sedar,itu adalah alarm clock kita untuk berubah. Hidup, kalau takdak perubahan, means that you got nothing with your life. Your life is meaningless. Its okay to hurt sometimes, because from the pain, you will know who you are, what is the world is all about, who you are from other's perspective. Kadang-kadang kita perlu orang lain untuk tahu siapa kita. Sebab kita rasa kita dah cukup baik,sempurna but reality is completely different. Sebab itu yang kita rasa, not the true action. Terasa bila terima teguran tu totally great, its mean that hati kita tu masih lembut untuk diubah, buktinya kita ttersentap bila ada orang tegur kesalahan kita. Bayangkan kalau kita tak kisah pun apa orang cakap,tegur, seem that hati tu dah keras untuk menerima sesuatu yang baru.
Hari-hari aku tengok orang yang berjaya dalam hidup mereka. And honestly, I'm very jealous of them. They got great family, great achievement in study, nice job, great life and I see that everything going smooth in their life. Always wonder whether I can be like em or not. Hmmmm
So, I decided that my revolution for this year is
NO PAIN,NO GAIN. If you want it, take it to fullest. Feel the pain, you will gain the victory. Non-stop, keep accelerate.
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Peace yo ! Assalamualaikum.
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